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Bespoke Alarm Technology

Highest Alarm Systems On The Market Powered By AJAX

Your New Bespoke System.

The Ajax bespoke house alarm system is a cutting-edge and customizable security solution designed to meet the unique needs of homeowners. With its advanced technology and wireless connectivity, it offers superior protection against intruders, fires, and other threats. Whether you need a tailored system for a small apartment or a sprawling estate, Ajax ensures that your home is safeguarded with state-of-the-art security features and real-time monitoring capabilities, providing you with peace of mind and control over your home's safety.


Motioncam PIR Sensor.

The Ajax MotionCam is a cutting-edge wireless motion detector equipped with a built-in camera. This innovative security device combines motion detection with visual verification, instantly capturing and sending images of any detected movement to your mobile device. With its advanced technology, the MotionCam helps reduce false alarms by allowing users to visually confirm the nature of the intrusion. It's a valuable addition to any Ajax security system, providing enhanced accuracy and peace of mind in protecting your home or business.

Door Protection Sensor - Glass Detection.

Ajax door sensors are essential components of a comprehensive security system. These wireless devices are designed to detect the opening or closing of doors and windows in homes or businesses. When triggered, they immediately send signals to the central hub, which can then activate alarms or send alerts to your mobile device. Ajax door sensors are known for their reliability and long battery life, ensuring continuous protection for your property. Their sleek design and compatibility with the Ajax ecosystem make them a discreet and effective choice for safeguarding entry points against unauthorized access.

Old Technology Vs New Technology System. 

Ajax employs cutting-edge technology, with features like real-time monitoring, mobile app control, and visual verification through devices like the MotionCam. Old alarms typically lacked these capabilities, offering limited remote control and often relying on manual checks.


Additionally, Ajax systems are designed for seamless integration with various sensors and devices, enhancing overall security and convenience. The contrast with older, standalone alarms highlights the substantial advancements in home security, making Ajax a smarter, more reliable choice for modern homeowners and businesses.


Comparing old alarms to Ajax security systems is like contrasting traditional methods with modern innovation. Old alarms often relied on wired connections, making them vulnerable to tampering and requiring complex installation. In contrast, Ajax offers wireless, DIY-friendly installation, reducing vulnerabilities and hassles.


Yes, Ajax security systems offer remote access even when you are abroad. Ajax utilizes mobile apps and cloud-based platforms that allow you to access and control your security system from virtually anywhere with an internet connection. This means you can monitor your home or business, receive real-time alerts, arm or disarm your security system, and view live camera feeds remotely while you are traveling or residing abroad, providing you with peace of mind and enhanced security no matter where you are in the world.


More Benfits of This Technology. 

Wireless Technology: Ajax systems are entirely wireless, making installation easy and reducing vulnerabilities associated with wired systems.


Reliability: They are known for their high reliability and stability, thanks to advanced anti-jamming and encryption technology, ensuring your security is not compromised.

Keeping up to date with your system.

Long Battery Life: Ajax devices typically have a long battery life, reducing the frequency of battery replacements.


User-Friendly: The systems are designed with a user-friendly interface, making them accessible to both tech-savvy individuals and those less familiar with technology.


Security Updates: Regular firmware updates ensure that your system remains secure against evolving threats.

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